My first visit to KGV Reservoir for a couple of months was prompted by news of a Grey Phalarope - always a great bird to see, and often very confiding. It didn't disappoint, showing down to about 3 metres, though difficult to photograph due to its manic rate of activity, and rather strong sunshine. Still, I'm pretty pleased with these - continued thanks to my Dad for the long-term loan of his lens!!! Promise to buy my own soon, honest....
Click to enlarge any of the images.

A female Red-breasted Merganser showed rather more distantly (i.e. miles away) on the north basin, but was a good bird for the London area, while Peregrine, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk all drifted over the reservoir and a Grey Wagtail was pretty handsome. However, these were only brief distractions from the main event....

Feeding on hold for a moment, and intently looking skywards... we found a soaring Peregrine a few minutes later.

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